lundi 28 octobre 2019

Why ordering an electric vehicle ?

Save the planet ! Or at least make a step in the right direction.
What an excellent reason to order a Tesla or any other electric powered vehicle.

Why? Are these really clean, what about producing the batteries, is this contributing to the global warming?
Lets start this article with a couple facts I gathered to compare ICE ( internal combustin Engine) cars versus EV ones:

    CO2 emmited during the entire lifecycle of a vehicle ( to produce it and then use it during 150000Km)
        ICE :  46 tons
        EV :   26 tons

    NOx emitted when driving these cars for 150000km
        ICE : 75 tons
        EV :  0 tons
        (Source )

 But lets not forget the energy consummed to drive 150000Km, it does also emit CO2!
 How does the production of this energy (extraction refining, transport.;.etc) contribute to the pollution ?

        6 tons of CO2

        0,42 tons of CO2

So as you can see, this is a no brainer. EVs are far less nocive for the environment than ICE.

Happy about this article ? want to get free superchaging miles ? then use my refferal to order your Tesla

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