lundi 22 juin 2020

M3P small rims

I often see questions about installing smaller rims than teh stock 20" on a M3P.
People worry about larger breakes that may not fit in 18" rims for example.

well, first there are tons of utube videos of guys that did it.
But also, and this is what I wanted to share, the Tesla software let you chnage that in your car, so it has to be possible right ?

Here is a screen shot of my M3P wheel change menu : 

Happy about this article ? want to get free superchaging miles ? then use my refferal to order your Tesla

jeudi 18 juin 2020

FSD price increase in EU

From hwta i've seen, FSD price before / After purchase in Switzerland have not changed since august 2019 when I purchased my Car.

It was 6300 CHF and it still is as we speak.

Furthermore, in a response to a fan, Elo tweeted last october that FSD price increase is paused in EU.
At least as long as regulators does not autorise it ( unlike in USA) : 

Happy about this article ? want to get free superchaging miles ? then use my refferal to order your Tesla

samedi 13 juin 2020

Tesla maintenance intervals

A partial view of Tesla Service intervals

Happy about this article ? want to get free superchaging miles ? then use my refferal to order your Tesla

jeudi 11 juin 2020

Referral Bingo

Daniel, TEsla owner, did a site dedicated to sharing random people's referral codes to random people :

Awsome idea

Happy about this article ? want to get free superchaging miles ? then use my refferal to order your Tesla